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  1. Is MSG Bad for Your Health?

    Order from any number of Chinese takeout restaurants these days, and you might notice that many menus boast “NO ADDED MSG.” The label can also be found in supermarket aisles on snack foods or on packaged seasonings. The labels are meant to ease consumers’ ...

  2. Getting past pasteurization: consider high-pressure processing of dairy foods and beverages

    Dairy products have been a key component of a healthy diet and a source of many nutrients. The industry has employed time-tested and validated thermal pasteurization and sterilization technologies to ensure consumer confidence. However, changes in consume ...

  3. CAFFRE Focuses on Foods and Health

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ask almost anyone, and they’ll tell you there’s a definite link between the foods you eat and your health, including the risk of developing certain types of cancer. But the relationship between diet and health is a highly complex one. And ...

  4. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    Congratulations to CFAES alumnus Dale A. Seiberling of Granville, Ohio, who received the Ohio State University Alumni Association’s Professional Achievement Award during the group’s 2014 Alumni Awards Program Sept. 12 in Columbus. The Professional Achieve ...

  5. Darke County 4-H Committee


  6. Successful Co-Parenting

    Successful Parenting is a program mandated by the Court of Common Pleas for people getting a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or change of custody, with minor children. Pre-registration and pre-payment by cash, check or money order are required. ...


    CARTEENS is offered for first time teen offenders with a moving vehicle citation.  One parent or guardian is also required to attend.  There is a $30.00 fee paid by cash or check.  ...

  8. Communication and Conflict Management workshop

    Details here. Offered by the OSU Leadersip Center. ...

  9. DISCflex workshop

    Details here. Offered by the OSU Leadership Center. ...

  10. OSU CFAES Shale Information for Landowners

    Since 2010, OSU Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, has devoted a growing portion of its resources to work on shale energy issues. Landowners can go to http://shalegas.osu. ...
