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Search results

  1. Seminar, Anna Stasko, PhD student (A. Dorrance, advisor)

    Diary of a Wimpy Plant: A Second Look at Susceptibility. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolinked to 244 Kottman (Columbus) ...

  2. Withdrawal of US Dept. of Labor proposal

    Withdrawal of proposed rule dealing with children who work in agriculture. US Department of Labor announced April 27th, 2012 its withdrawal of of the proposed rule dealing with children under the age of 16 who work in agriculture. Here is the official pre ...

  3. CFAES Professional Development Night

    Ohio Union, Columbus campus.  Tickets $5, CFAES Student Council. ...

  4. Media Library


  5. AEE Graduate Program Handbook

    Complete details about our graduate programs can be found in the AEE Graduate Program Handbook. ...

  6. Terry Graham Retirement- Sept. 28, 2012

    Terry Graham retired after 26 years on the faculty of Ohio State. ...

  7. Master in Plant Health Mgt Seminar, Gina Zirkle, The Scotts Miracle-gro Company

    A look at the Consumer Lawn & Garden Industry:  Scotts Miracle-Gro innovation, Research, and Product Development. Kottmn 447 (Columbus) videolink to Selby 203 (Wooster) ...

  8. Turf Tips June 6, 2014

    Turf Tips- June 6, 2014 ...

  9. OSU Students in Borlaug Summer Institute

    Godwill Chewachong, Matthew Kost and Brian Pace were among 35 graduate students selected from across the U.S. to participate in the Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security at Purdue University, May 28-June 8, 2013. Chewachong is a Plant Pathology ...

  10. Dairy Association Meeting

