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October 19, 2015
Dairy Farm Herd Manager
Rogue Creamery, a dairy farm and creamery known for its award winning cheese located in Southern Oregon, has an opening for a Herdsman/Dairy manager to help oversee the care of over 100 dairy cows. This position is perfect for a recent college graduate th ...
Winding Creek Internships
Winding Creek Equestrian Sports Center, a small Co-op boarding facility located in Johnstown, Ohio, is seeking 6 student interns for the 2015-16 school year and summer of 2016. All the barn staff work other full-time jobs and commit to part-time hours at ...
Seminar: Paula Chen
A novel mechanism of myostatin regulation by its alternative splicing variant during myogenesis in avian species ...
Lazy E Ranch Internship
The Lazy E Ranch, LLC in Guthrie, Oklahoma is looking for several enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals for multiple internship positions. Positions includes Sales Prep Technician, General Horsemanship, Foaling Attendants, and Breeding Attendants. A ...
ASAS Internship
The ASAS Science Policy Summer Internship Program provides experience for undergraduates and graduate students in legislative, regulatory, or administrative science policy activities in Washington DC. A full description of the program can be found on the ...
Buckeye Royal
Looking for an excuse to visit the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm and frolic with some dairy cows? The Buckeye Dairy Club invites you to participate in their annual showmanship contest, the Buckeye Royal, on Friday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. Buckeye Royal is FREE ...
Emotional Vampires at Work NEW
Emotional vampires tend to drain the energy of everyone they encounter. These “vampires” tend to suck out your optimism, and enthusiasm rather than your blood. Their toxic behaviors can range from subtle comments, to full blown drama. These vampires, it c ...
StrengthsFinder NEW
As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend to ...
Department Roundup 2015 10 09
Welcome to the Department of Animal Sciences newsletter. Send your submissions to hendrick.17, and they will go in the next version. HELPFUL LINKS: ⇒ Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State ⇒ Grant Opportunities ...