Search results

Search results

  1. Extension Advisory Committee- 7:00 p.m.


  2. 4-H Horse Advisory Committee- 7:00 p.m.


  3. Martin Luther King Day- Office Closed


  4. 4-H Committee- 7:00 p.m.


  5. Outstanding 4-H Advisor and Outstanding 4-H Youth Forms Due


  6. Quality Assurance Program

    Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: Dairy Cattle Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy Market Steers/Heifers All Goats (Pygmy, Market, Dairy, B ...

  7. Quality Assurance Program

    Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: Dairy Cattle  Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy  Market Steers/Heifers  All Goats (Pygmy, Market, Dairy ...

  8. Quality Assurance Program

    Junior Fair exhibitors are required to attend one of the Quality Assurance programs. Junior Fair exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend:  Dairy Cattle  Feeder Calves Beef and Dairy  Market Steers/Heifers  All Goats (Pygmy, Market, Dair ...

  9. Quality Assurance Test-Out

    Test-Out Information: Members may test out of attending Quality Assurance if: 1. They have attended at least two QA programs. 2. They are either 12 – 14 years old or 15 – 18 years old as of January 1st of the current year. 3. Parents are not required to a ...

  10. 4-H Open House and Expo

