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June 20th 4-H PAS Horse Show Cancelled
The show will now be held on Sunday June 28th starting at 1 pm. ...
2015 Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Quality Assurance and Skillathon Requirements
Again this year it will be mandatory FOR ALL Junior Fair livestock exhibitors (4-H and FFA) to attend a quality assurance program before showing their animals at the Wayne County or Ohio State Junior Fair. Exhibitors of market steers, market dairy steer ...
Senator Bob Peterson: I Got My Start in 4-H
DairyPalooza West
Event Schedule Registration Information: Reigstration forms, deadlines, and additional details can be found at Event Details: The program, sponsors, and schedule for the day can be found at Other Contact ...
National 4-H recognizes former Greene County Extension Educator Nancy Bull
Nancy Harriett Bull Hudson, Ph.D. recently was selected for a prestigious honor- as an inductee into the National 4-H Hall of Fame. Nancy worked in the Greene County Extension office from 1975-1990 as the County Extension Agent, Home Economics. Nancy wa ...
Seneca County's response to the ban on live poultry shows.
The letter that was sent out to poultry families and exhibitors detailing Seneca County's plan of action can be read here. The Attica Independant Fair has also announced their plan for poultry. Read it here. ...
Goat Clinic
Poultry and Rabbit Clinic
Verbiage to ensure a landowner hosting an OSU program is insured
Please see below for verbiage that can be put on OSU letterhead that insures a landowner for hosting an OSU program. Note that the letter should be signed before the program date. This can be used for any landowner. Municipalities should have their own in ...
Ohio 4-H Engineering team competed at National Contest
The 12-member Ohio team excelled at the 63rd National 4-H Engineering Challenge held September 29-Oct. 1 at West Lafayette, Indiana. The event had 55 youth from 9 states competing in nine project areas. Here are the members, county, and the contest areas ...