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Western Bean Cutworm Flight is Beginning and Concerns for Late Planted Corn
Here comes another season of western bean cutworm trapping! Western bean cutworms (WBC) emerge as adults from late June until August, with peak flight usually occurring the 3 rd week of July. After mating, they lay eggs in corn, and the developing larva ...
Pesticide Applicator Field Day- Champaign Co.
Private Pesticide Applicators can meet recertification requirements (for any 2017 & beyond license expiration) at this hands-on field day. Categories offered include Core, 1, 2, and 6. Commercial Pesticide Applicators can earn partial recertification ...
Poster Infomation
Call for posters Theme "Foundation- Balance- Trust" Poster Submission Link Due by Friday, August 12 Decision on the acceptance of your poster no later than September 2 Deadline to submit final list of names and poster title September 9 Resour ...
Fairfield County- Let's Jam!
A hands-on jam-making workshop- Participants will make strawberry jam and take home a jar! ...
Fairfield Count- Canning Fruits & Vegetables
Drying Foods at Home (Dehydration Methods) ...
Precision Sprayer Field Day-Fulton County
Agenda topics include nozzle selection, drift and calibration, panel discussion on improved pesticide technologies, site of action in herbicide programs, aerial and ground application equipment demonstrations. ...
Pesticide Applicator Field Day
Private Pesticide Applicators can meet recertification requirements (for any 2017 & beyond license expiration) at this hands-on field day. Categories offered include Core, 1, 2, and 6. Commercial Pesticide Applicators can earn partial recertification ...
Mid-season diseases – what are we watching out for?
I’ve scouted a number of fields and driven by many acres in the past two weeks and the crop looks great. A bit behind in some areas, but soybeans can compensate fairly well. With that comes the question what do we need to watch out for next. Frogeye lea ...
Low Head Scab and Vomiitoxin and Very Good Grain Yield and Quality
A June 27 Update: Wheat is now drying-down and is even being harvested in some parts of the state. Thanks in part to cool spring conditions followed by relatively dry weather during early grain-fill, head scab and other disease levels were generally low i ...
Spray Diagnostics Field Day
Enlist corn and soybean and Xtend soybean are getting closer to reaching the market place. With these new technologies spray drift, herbicide volatility, and tank contamination will need to be addressed. On July 14, 2016, OSU Extension of Auglaize and M ...