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  1. Migration and Imperfect Monitoring: Implications for Intra-household Allocation


  2. An Economics Analysis of Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior for Breakfast Cereals


  3. Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households


  4. Does the Insurance Effect of Public and Private Transfers Favor Financial Deepening? Evidence from Rural Nicaragua


  5. Dads, Disease and Death: Determinants of Daughter Discrimination


  6. Consumer Horticulture

    While many consider Fairfield County to be a largely rural county, our 148,000+ residents collectively own and maintain several thousand acres of lawn, garden, and landscape. County Extension staff respond annually to literally hundreds of requests for in ...

  7. The Expanding Ethanol Market and Farmland Values: Identifying the Changing Influence of Proximity to Agricultural Market Channels


  8. Attachments

    The following attachments are in PDF format. You will need  Adobe® Reader®  to view them. Attachment A: Overview Project Development Flow Chart Attachment B: Proposal Submission Authorization Form Attachment C: Terminology Email Examples Entire document   ...

  9. References

    LaMuth, J., and Jackson, D. (2002). A reluctance to recognize the cost of people. Paper submitted for presentation at Association for Employment Practices and Principles. An overview to proposal submission and project management. (2003) Ohio State Univers ...

  10. Outdoor Activity Informed Consent Waivers

    If you are arranging an outdoor activity for which participants should sign an Informed Consent/Assumption of Risk Agreement, use this form. (provided by Office of Legal Affairs, The Ohio State University - October 2012). A specific ATV waiver  form is al ...
