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Search results

  1. Seminar, Spencer Debenport, PhD Exit Seminar (McSpadden Gardener, advisor)

    Profiling the Microbiome of Millet Rhizosphere Populations Reveals Populations Associated with Plant Growth Promotion in Senegal. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolink to 244 Kottman (Columbus) ...

  2. Seminar, J.C. Jang, Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State

    Tandem zinc finger proteins in plant growth and stress responses. 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolink to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...

  3. Seminar, Bryce Falk, Professor, University of California, Davis

    RNA interference and hemipteran vectors of plant pathogens. 121 Fisher (Wooster) videolink to 244 Kottman (Columbus). Contacts: F. Qu (qu.28) and F. Hand (hand.81) ...

  4. Seminar, Matthew Krause, BioWorks Inc.

    Development, marketing, and support to ensure effective use of biopesticides. 121 Fisher (Wooster) and 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolink. ...

  5. Internet Resources

    Internet Resources Ohio Law and Government Ohio Revised Code Ohio Administrative Code Ohio Constitution Supreme Court of Ohio Ohio Courts of Appeal Ohio County Courts Ohio Legislature Ohio State Bar Association Public Resources State of Ohio State of Ohio ...

  6. OSHA issues new guidance on the small farm exemption

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Head Scab Risk Assessment Tool

    Head Scab Risk Assessment Tool Situation Fusarium head blight (FHB), or scab, is an economically important disease of wheat and barley, with yield losses of more than 45% in severe cases. It is caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum, which can also pro ...

  8. Employers can be liable for a worker’s violent acts

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  9. Mission and History

    Mission We are dedicated to enhancing food security, global sustainability, and human welfare through environmentally and economically sound strategies for plant health management. To this end: we conduct fundamental and mission-oriented research on patho ...

  10. CED Quarterly Meeting

