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Search results

  1. Host Family Applications Due for Argentina and Norway Hosting- Final Deadline


  2. Selection Interviews in Columbus for all 4-H Out-bound Travel Programs


  3. State 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training- 4-H Center


  4. International County Coordinator (ICC) nominations due in the State 4-H Office


  5. Ohio Dairy Health and Management Certificate Program

    Module 2- Advanced Dairy Reproduction. Brought to you by OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Extension. ...

  6. Performance Management & Coaching

      As a manager or unit supervisor you have the important responsibility of guiding, directing, and managing the performance of individuals you supervise. This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching ...

  7. Strengths Based Communication- ONLINE

    Utilizing StrengthsFinder in teams gives everyone a language to describe work styles.   Employees achieve work goals when using their strengths. Your strengths determine how you communicate with others.   In addition, adjusting how you communicate with a ...

  8. Leadership YOU

    Leadership YOU Tuesday October 21, 2014- 9:00am to 12:00pm Contact email: Contact name: Jody Termeer Contact phone: 614-292-3114 “The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.”- Fred Rogers Are you exceptional?  Every person has s ...

  9. The Einstein Principle

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder

    Wednesday October 8, 2014 9:00-Noon Room 105 Agricultural Administration Building “Highly talented entrepreneurs exhibit behaviors that are markedly different from those of their less talented peers.” – Gallup “Entrepreneurship is the art of turning an id ...
