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Search results

  1. Seminar, Grace O'Keefe, PhD student, Penn State

    An American perspective of chrystanthemum white rust caused by Puccinia horiana. 121 Fisher (Wooster) video to 244 Kottman (Columbus). ...

  2. Top Tier Program

    Nationally Recognized as a Top Tier Program The National Research Council places Ohio State among the top 3-5 Plant Pathology doctoral programs in the U.S., based on regression and survey methods that generated ranges of rankings (2010, revised in 2011). ...

  3. Field Trip to Hirzel Canning Co. and Farms

    Brian McSpadden Gardener (Plant Pathology and Sheryl Barringer (Food Science and Technology) led a group of students on a field trip to learn about modern tomato farming and processing methods in Ottawa, September 23. Former alumni Bill and Karl Hirzel gu ...

  4. Field Trip to The Great Lakes Growers

    On October 20, students enrolled in Dr. McSpadden Gardener's Current Topics course in biological control (PLNTPTH 8300) visited the Great Lakes Growers greenhouse facility to learn how they are using biopesticides as part of their integrated pest man ...

  5. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. First Detector Training

    R egistration flyer    Pre-registration due by Febraury 13. ...

  7. Landscape Ornamental In-Service

    Targeting newer educators and assistants, but open to all. ...

  8. SEAC and OARDC Advisory Committee meeting (tentative)


  9. Vice President's Cup Golf Outing


  10. High Tunnels

    High Tunnels Objectives(s) of High Tunnel research::    This research explores and identifies new crop, production and marketing opportunities using high tunnel technologies. Cropping systems explored include strawberry, tomato, blackberry, blueberry, red ...
