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  1. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio


  2. Financial Maturity: A Guide to Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland


  3. Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals


  4. Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Creativity for Success

    Teamwork can be hard! Have you ever been frustrated with a team member and how they approach a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even “see the box”? The Kirton Adaption-Innovation In ...

  5. Tai Chi For Arthritis

    PROGRAM and CURRICULUM BY TAI CHI FOR HEALTH INSTITUTE- DR PAUL LAM CERTIFICATION PROVIDED BY OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TAI CHI FOR ARTHRITIS "Medical authorities agree that suitable exercise for people with arthritis should incorporate components th ...

  6. Dining With Diabetes

    Dining with Diabetes is a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. In a series of four classes, cooking demonstrations will help you learn healthy techniques to use in your ow ...

  7. Lawn Mowing


  8. Ripe Rot of Grape


  9. Champaign County 4-H Camp

    2025 4-H Camp Dates- June 17th - 21st 2025 Cloverbud Day Camp- Stay Tuned for Date & Location!   Camp Theme:   Stay Tuned in 2025!   2024 Cloverbud Camp Registration- (was due July 1)  2024 4-H Camp Registration/Details Letter - (was due May 30) 2025  ...

  10. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

