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Search results

  1. Corn Replant Tips

    Although most corn that’s been planted has yet to emerge or develop much beyond the VE or V1 stage, there are localized reports of growers replanting early planted corn. Some of these replant issues appear related to the consequence of recent frost injury ...

  2. 2016-13


  3. Adjustments for Late Planted (or Replanted) Soybean

    Wet weather has kept many farmers (and us) out of the field.  According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, as of May 15, 10% of the soybean acres were planted.  At the same time last year, 46% of soybean planting was complete.  On avera ...

  4. Small Grains Field Day-Wayne County

    The OARDC Schaffter Farm located at 3240 Oil City Rd., Wooster, will be the host location for a Small Grains Field Day scheduled for Tuesday, June 14.  The day begins with registration and sign-in at 9:30 am and the program starts at 10:00am.  The day wil ...

  5. Planter Field Day

    With the ever changing weather pattern, it is critical that farmers take advantage of prime planting opportunities. Planting as efficiently as possible is one key to a successful season. Planters and technology have a come a long way in recent years. From ...

  6. Girls Group

    Summer Celebration--The Ohio State Fair ...

  7. Girls Group

    Garden Stepping Stones--SPARK Lab ...

  8. Girls Group

    Balancing the Scales--SPARK Lab (join Jami and Demi for the Forest Tree Trown Trot 5K at 7:15-more registration info to follow) ...

  9. Girls Group

    Firework Canvas Crafts--SPARK Lab (wear red, white, and blue) ...

  10. Girls Group

    Tea Party Etiquette--SPARK Lab (dressup and wear/bring heels or dress shoes) ...
