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  1. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) for January was released on February 5th.  For January, the BFP was $13.25 per cwt.  This is the second month in a row that the BFP has been above $13.00. Currently, BFP futures contracts for February are tradi ...

  2. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    Dr. Joe Ottobre, Associate Professor  Department of Animal Sciences Data from DHI summaries of Ohio dairy herds indicate that the average estrous (heat) detection rate in Ohio is approximately 45%.  Thus, Ohio dairy producers are missing 55% of the opport ...

  3. Who's Who

    Normand St-Pierre  (614) 292-6507 Normand is a faculty member in the Department of Animal Sciences with an 80% Extension and 20% research appointment. His primary area of responsibility is dairy herd management. He is a new faculty member in the Departmen ...

  4. 15- Measures of Competitiveness

    Dianne Shoemaker, Agriculture Agent This month: Debt per cow  Competitive Level:   Less than $2000 per cow  Less than $3000 per cow during an expansion  Calculation: Total farm debt/(lactating cows + dry cows)  Example: $800,000 debt / 300 cows (249 lacta ...

  5. Tough Management Yields- Dairy Profits

    Donald J. Breece Ph.D., Southwest District Specialist, Farm Management  Ohio State University Extension The last three years in the dairy business has required decisive action and tough management by dairy farmers.  Yet, those Ohio dairy farms that contro ...

  6. Constructing New Buildings On the Farm

    Joe Beiler   Extension Agent, Mercer Co. There are three basic methods for construction on farms:  (1) Perform all construction with farm labor,  (2) Act as a general contractor and hire sub-contractors, or  (3) Hire a general contractor to construct the ...

  7. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey   Dairy Farm Management Specialist     The February 1998 Basic Formula Price (BFP) is $13.32 per cwt., up $.07 from the January 1998 BFP. This BFP will place average pay prices for Ohio milk producers in the $14 to $15 per cwt. range BFPs f ...

  8. First Harvest of Forages is Just Around the Corner!

    Mark Sulc & Thomas E. Noyes The first harvest of forage crops is just around the corner, in fact orchardgrass for dairy cattle will be ready for harvest in the southern part of the state as soon as fields dry out, if it isn't ready already. First ...

  9. Supplementation Of The Lactating Cow In A Grazing System

    Thomas E. Noyes   Extension Dairy Agent, Wayne Co. Spring is upon us and it's great to see green grass, although winter was very kind to Ohio this year. Spring management and supplementation of the lactating cow is the most challenging time during th ...

  10. Common Questions Regarding Coliform Mastitis Vaccines

    Dr. Joe Hogan Coliform mastitis vaccines have been commercially available throughout the US for several years. These vaccines are based on the immunization of cows with Gram-negative bacteria that have common core-antigens naturally exposed whereby the co ...
