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Search results

  1. Ornamental Corn

    Ornamental Corn Objectives(s) of Ornamental Corn research and education:     This research explores and identifies new ornamental corn cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production chara ...

  2. Farm Science Review

    Farm Science Review is known as Ohio's premier agricultural event and draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, producers and agricultural enthusiasts from across the U.S. and Canada annually. Participants are able to peruse 4,000 product lines from ...

  3. 2015 Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    The Tri-State Green In d ustry Conference is a collaborative effort between Ohio State University Extension, Pur d ue Extension, University of Kentucky Extension, Cincinnati State Technical an d Community College, an d the Cincinnati Zoo an d Botanical Ga ...

  4. Private Pesticide Recertification & Fertilizer Certification

    March 17, 2015, 4:00 PM- 9:00 PM Clermont County Fairgrounds 1000 Locust, Owensville, 45160 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.- pesticide recertification Categories offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.- agriculture fertilizer certification for privat ...

  5. Southwestern Ohio Beekeeper School

    Find more information at Register soon! This event sells out every year! Registration should open in January 2015. ...

  6. Other Vegetables

    Other Vegetables Objectives(s) of other vegetable Research  and Education:   Planned Scope of Research:        Potential outcomes & significance of outcomes:        Bell Pepper varities include:    Revolution, Alliance, Wahoo, Declaration, Aerostole, ...

  7. Farm Tax Webinar

    Farmers, producers, tax preparers and anyone who wants to learn more about the potential changes in tax laws, including those that relate to Expense Deductions and Bonus Depreciation (Section 179), can participate in a day-long tax webinar and workshop De ...

  8. Developing Nutrient Management Plan Workshop

    Free Workshops Offered on Developing Nutrient Management Plans COLUMBUS, Ohio – Four workshops designed to teach Certified Crop Advisers how to help farmers develop nutrient management plans will be offered by agronomists with Ohio State University’s Coll ...

  9. Volume 9 Issue 4


  10. Farm Bill Meeting

    OSU Extension's Agricultural and Natural Resources experts are working diligently to keep Ohioans apprised of the latest news and events regarding the 2014 Farm Bill legislation. Registration is no longer required to attend farm bill meetings being c ...
