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  1. Cost Benefit Analysis

    AEDECON 6330 The course covers calculus-based benefit-cost analysis theory and methods and their application to projects pertaining to public infrastructure, agriculture, the environment, natural resources, and human health. It aims to: Foster familiarity ...

  2. Project Management for Sustainability and Applied Economics

    AEDECON 4340 An introduction to project management concepts and techniques focusing on how to initiate, plan, manage, control, and close projects related to sustainability and applied economics. This course will provide students with theoretical concepts, ...

  3. Sustainable Economy: Concepts and Methods

    AEDECON 4330   The course introduces students to core concepts of sustainability in economics and the quantitative methods necessary to understand and evaluate sustainable development. This is a core upper-level course in sustainability concepts and metho ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) Seminar Series  welcomes Jeff Buler, professor of Wildlife Ecology, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware who will present "Unraveling the impacts of anthrop ...

  5. SENR Career Ambassadors

    Program Information SENR Career Ambassadors are student volunteers who have completed hands-on learning experiences such as internships, research, or jobs related to their degrees. Career Ambassadors will serve as role models for experiential learning and ...

  6. SENR Seminar Series


  7. "The Future of Trade Dispute Resolution"

    Analysis of alternatives to WTO trade dispute resolution. Ian Sheldon Policy brief Friday, October 4, 2024 Andersons Policy Bulletin 18(1).pdf Andersons Program in International Trade ...

  8. ArboBlitz 2024

    Help us create a legacy at The Ohio State University by planting 20 trees on campus in collaboration with The Ohio State University’s Facilities, Operations, and Development team and Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens. ...

  9. Freshwater Science: Spatial Ecology of Smallmouth Bass in Lake Erie

    Smallmouth bass are one of the top fish in Lake Erie’s fishery, contributing to the lake’s $1 billion fishing industry. Yet until recently, scientists were unaware of how much the fish move around in the lake — insights that could help ensure the fishery ...

  10. Freshwater Science: Fish Farming, Food Systems, and Recreation Aquaculture in Ohio

    Aquaculture includes the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish, shellfish, algae, and other aquatic organisms in all types of natural and human constructed water environments. Essentially, aquaculture is farming in water. Nicole Wright, Ohio Sea Grant ...
