Search results

Search results

  1. Current Volunteers

    To receive and maintain your OCVN certification, you may volunteer with any organization(s) in Ohio that has a compatible mission with the OCVN program (i.e., to promote awareness and stewardship of Ohio’s environment and natural resources) and does not i ...

  2. 4-H Advisor Update


  3. 4-H Advisor Update


  4. 4-H Advisor Update


  5. Buck receives Honorary National FFA Degree

    Dr. Emily Buck, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, was awarded the National FFA Honorary Degree at the 2015 National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Kentucky on October 28-31, 2015. The Natio ...

  6. 25 students receive American FFA Degree

    At the 2015 National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Kentucky, 25 students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership received their American FFA Degree. The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstra ...

  7. Agricultural communication student elected to National FFA office

    Agricultural communication student Sydney Snider was selected to serve the National FFA Organization as the Eastern Region Vice President on Saturday, October 31 at the 2015 National FFA Convention. Other FFA members who were selected to serve on the 2015 ...

  8. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day two of two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...

  9. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Day One of Two This two session workshop is structured to help farm families develop a succession plan for their farm business.  Attend and learn ways to increase family communication and strategies to successfully transfer management skills and the farm’ ...

  10. Corn College Workshop

    2016 Corn College Flyer ...
