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  1. Extension Promotion and Tenure Committee fall meeting


  2. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...

  3. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...

  4. Columbus City Tour

         Columbus City Tour, 26 May 2016 Agenda 8:30 am- Depart North Market 8:45 am- Arrive at Franklinton Gardens, discuss urban agriculture and Master Urban Farmer 9:15 am- Depart Franklinton Gardens 9:30 am- Arrive at Highland Youth Garden, discuss nutrit ...

  5. Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?

    Should we be concerned about Zika here in Fairfield County? In fact, one known vector for Zika, the Asian tiger mosquito is an established exotic mosquito pest in Ohio; it will feed on other vertebrates in addition to humans. ...

  6. Turf and Ornamental Diseases and Pests In-Service

    The Departments of Plant Pathology and Entomology & the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic invite you to attend a day-long in-service on the identification and management of major diseases and pests of residential turf and landscape orna ...

  7. links

    NUEL PILD ...

  8. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Come learn to make strawberry jam and take home a jar!  $10/participant, register by June 23. ...

  9. Let's JAM...a hands-on jam-making workshop!

    Come learn to make strawberry jam and take home a jar!  $10/participant, register by June 8. ...

  10. Drying Foods at Home

    Come learn more about basic home food preservation using dehydration methods! ...
