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Another Record Corn Harvest for Ohio
November 2, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio's corn crop is heading for its second consecutive year of record-breaking yields, something that Ohio State University Extension agricultural specialists say is unheard-of in the world of crop production. Accord ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents, help children with reading (for June 2010)
June 18, 2010 My daughter just finished kindergarten and is behind her peers in reading. We've had her eyes checked and she doesn't seem to have physical problems that could be the cause. How can we help her get caught up this summer? There are ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents of 'tweens' still have lots of influence (for March 2009)
March 16, 2009 Now that my children are 10 and 12 years old, I'm beginning to fear that they're being exposed to too much about adulthood too early. Is it just me? Can I do anything to counter what they see in the media and at the mall? It' ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents can help teens learn to manage their money (for May 2007)
May 18, 2007 My children are entering their teen years, and I want to help them learn to properly manage money. Are there guidelines out there? You're smart to be thinking this way. Each year, the investment firm Charles Schwab teams up with the Boys ...
Family Fundamentals: Organized financial records make life easier (for Jan. 2010)
January 19, 2010 I tend to keep my financial papers (at least those that I think are important) but after more than a decade, my record boxes are overwhelming my closet floor. What should I focus on keeping, and for how long? Sounds like it's time to ...
Career Choice of Researcher a Benefit to Millions
May 27, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Rattan Lal's education in agriculture—soil science more specifically—was more about opportunity than design, but his years of research contributions have changed farming for millions worldwide. "You have to believ ...
Family Fundamentals: Lessen risks by preparing for disaster now (for May 2010)
May 18, 2010 After hearing news reports of tornadoes and flooding in other parts of the country, I started thinking about our important papers, and what we should do to prepare in case something like that happens here. What are the guidelines? You're ...
Busy Soil Microbes Provide Macro Field Benefits
May 3, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- Adding organic amendments to agricultural fields stimulates soil microbial activity, which in turn may reduce root diseases and promote overall plant health. Brian McSpadden Gardener, an Ohio State University plant pathologist w ...
Bringing Quality Beef to the Middle East with Ohio-Israeli Project
November 20, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- A unique collaboration between Ohio State University and Israel is creating opportunities to raise quality beef cattle in this Middle East country, giving producers a more competitive edge over countries that import catt ...
Biosecurity Fact Sheets Available on OSU Internet Site
June 22, 2001 Foot-and-mouth disease may be shrinking from the media spotlight, but Ohio State University animal health specialists stress the importance of maintaining biosecurity measures that not only keep the disease in check, but also help control ot ...