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Search results

  1. Open House- Master Gardener Volunteer Program

    Master Gardener Volunteer Program Join us for some social time to talk about the program, enjoy refreshments and fellowship with current volunteers. We’ll share details about our upcoming training and help you with any questions about joining. Classes sta ...

  2. MG Coffee Series- Succulents

    Growing and Caring for Succulents Learn the details about succulents and how to grow the best ones possible! Each person will receive a small succulent plant!   SPEAKER: Carol Knock, Trumbull County Master Gardener Volunteer Flyer and Registration HERE   ...

  3. Lunch & Learn: Lawn Care Basics, including Weed Control

    The basics of lawn care including weed control will be the focus. Mark your calendar... we'll post more details soon. ...

  4. Lunch & Learn: Staying "Garden Fit" in the New Year

    Have eaten just one too many Christmas Cookies? Or are you wishing the weather was warmer so you could just putter around a bit in the garden? If so and you're feeling much like the rest of us, come and join us at the first edition of the 2017 Lunch ...

  5. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 6

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course Materials Handling: Skid steers, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and utility vehicles ...

  6. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 5

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course Connecting and Using Implements with the Tractor: Various types of implements, such as drawbars, three-point hitches, and how they are connected and used with the tractor ...

  7. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 4

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course The Tractor: Comprehensive overview of the tractor, including but not limited to tractor types, hazards, controls, lightning, and starting and operating a tractor ...

  8. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 3

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course Agricultural Hazards: Hazards associated with machinery, animals, pesticides, electricity, confined spaces, and farm chemicals ...

  9. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 2

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course Safety Basics: Youth safety and risk, appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE), warning signs, hand signals, and basic first aid ...

  10. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 1

    $40 for 7 Week Course, Manual & Refreshments – RSVP by January 18th for course Introduction: Overview of agriculture, types of risks, and regulations related to agricultural safety and health ...
