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  1. Successful Co-Parenting


  2. Goat Tag-in


  3. Pond Clinic

    Topics: Pond Weed Control Fish Stocking Wildlife Management Pond Safety and Liability Pond Maintenance Cost $5.00 per family, payable at clinic. Includes packet of pond resources. Pre registration is required, call Holmes County OSU Extension at 330-674-3 ...

  4. CIT Training


  5. CIT Training


  6. Streamside Landowner Guides

    Streamside Landowner Guides Background These online guides were created as a result of interviews conducted with 24 streamside landowners in two urbanizing watersheds in central Ohio. The purpose of this research was to identify decisions streaside landow ...

  7. Economy and Employment

    Economy and Employment Ohio's urban and metro communities suffer from high unemployment and underemployment as well as having an inadequate number of businesses needed for positively impacting many community economies. These communities represent app ...

  8. The Mighty River

    As we move downstream, more and more medium-sized streams have emptied into the main channel, contributing to the flow of what eventually becomes a river. The channel flows wider and deeper flowing through a wide flat floodplain along the bottom of the ri ...

  9. Watershed Tour

    Leave your canoe in the garage and float down a virtual stream while you learn about the following: What is a watershed? What are the components that make up a watershed? Why are watersheds so important? What can I do to help protect Ohio's watershed ...

  10. Ohio Fruit Newsletter

    Ohio Fruit Newsletter 2013 Newsletters April 12, 2013 May 24, 2013   2012 Newsletters March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 May 15, 2012 June 2012 August 2012   2011 Newsletters January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 May 2011 July 2011 December 2011   2010 Newsle ...
