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  1. CliftonStrengths online

    CliftonStrengths online March 6, 2025, 9:00am- 11:30am Deadline:  February 24, 2025 Link:  Register Now Cost:  $250 cost includes assessment Location:  online Contact:  Jennifer Pettibone 614-292-3114 "You get what you focus on.&q ...

  2. Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success online

    Teamwork can be hard! Have you ever been frustrated with a team member and how they approach a task? Why they problem-solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even “see the box”? The Kirton Adaption-Innovation In ...

  3. It's Time for 4-H!

    4-H enrollment for Champaign County is now open, and what better time to come & learn about what our program is all about...just in time for a new season of fun! Your local 4-H team is hosting a kickoff & family fun night on January 19th, from 4:0 ...

  4. Paw Paws for the Home Garden

    To view the program flier, click HERE Did you know that the Paw Paw is the state fruit of Ohio, and is the largest edible fruit native to the U.S.? Join us to learn more about the Paw Paw tree, its growth and physiology, and how this unique plant fits int ...

  5. Paw Paw for the Home Garden

    To view the program flier, click HERE Did you know that the Paw Paw is the state fruit of Ohio, and is the largest edible fruit native to the U.S.? Join us to learn more about the Paw Paw tree, its growth and physiology, and how this unique plant fits int ...

  6. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass


  7. Morning with the Masters: Easy and Dependable Perennials

    Easy and Dependable Perennials Join OSU Master Gardener Volunteers to learn more about easy and dependable perennials for your garden. Location: Canfield Library, 43 W Main St, Canfield, OH 44406 This event is free and open to the public. Registration is ...

  8. 2025 Morning with the Masters

    Join the Master Gardener Volunteers at various branches of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County for a Morning with the Masters speaker series. MGVs will be on hand to assist and discuss garden-related topics. Cost: Free, no registration is ...

  9. Morning with the Masters: Growing Degree Days

    Growing Degree Days Did you ever wonder what calendar nature uses?  How does nature know when it is time for buds to open and insects to emerge?  Find out what nature uses for a calendar and how to access and use nature’s calendar with Growing Degree Days ...

  10. Morning with the Masters: How to Start Plants from Seeds

    How to Start Plants from Seeds Join our Master Gardener Volunteers to discuss the most up-to-date information to help you successfully start your plants from seed. Starting plants from seed can save you money and increase the variety of plants available f ...
