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Take Action Against Combine and Field Fires
Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County and Dee Jepsen, Professor and State Agricultural Safety Leader Weather conditions have helped Ohio wheat fields mature – but these same conditions can lead to an increase in fires to combine harvesters and crop f ...
Manure Pit Safety
Denny Riethman, ANR Educator Mercer County Wheat harvest will happen soon. A common practice with livestock farmers is to apply manure nutrients following harvest of the wheat. This increases the importance of reminding operators and applicators of foll ...
Stay Safe Making Hay When the Sun Shines
Richard Purdin, OSU Extension, Adams County ANR/CD Educator For many livestock producers June is a busy month, finishing the crop planting, caring for livestock, and harvesting first cutting of hay. Hay harvest can be a very labor intensive and time-consu ...
Springtime on Rural Roads
Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County Spring planting season will soon be under way across the State of Ohio. After challenging planting seasons in recent years, farmers will be taking advantage of every window of opportunity to get seeds in the gro ...
Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!
Mary Ann Rose, Pesticide Safety Education With the arrival of summer, the risk of heat stress increases. Farmers have an elevated risk of heat stress for obvious reasons – working outdoors. Activities that require protective clothing, such as pesticide ...
One Question Could Save Someone’s Life
Bridget Britton, Extension Field Specialist, Behavioral Health The month of May helps us to be aware that warm weather is inching toward Ohio, it is also Mental Health Awareness month. May is a time to help us gain awareness and understanding of persons ...
Working Safely with Anhydrous Ammonia
Kent McGuire – OSU CFAES Safety and Health Coordinator Many farmers are applying anhydrous ammonia as a part of their spring planting season. Anyone working with anhydrous ammonia should be familiar with the safe use of the product, understand the potenti ...
Teaching Youth to be Safe Around Livestock
Sabrina Schirtzinger, ANR Educator Knox County Owning and working livestock is the first step to teaching youth responsibilities on the farm. Younger children may not be aware of the dangers that come with this responsibility. ...
Balancing Your Health and the Spring To-Do List
Richard Purdin, OSU Extension, Adams County ANR/CD Educator The month of May is a busy time on the farm, from making hay to building fence, planting crops, and tending to livestock. For many small and medium sized farms these tasks are commonly placed on ...
Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders
Mary Ann Rose, Director, Pesticide Safety Education Program You probably worked on your sprayer and other major equipment over the winter to gear up for pesticide applications. Have you put any effort into preparing for applicator safety? ...