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Search results

  1. Cuba in an Era of Change: Elaine Diaz Rodriguez Cuban Blogger/Journalist/Professor


  2. Learning from Your Community-OSU MCC Hispanic Heritage Month Activity


  3. National Conference on Diversity, Race, and Learning


  4. Tri-State Diversity Converence

    The Tri-State Diversity Conference is hosted by four land grant universities from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. It is designed for administrators, faculty, and staff from Cooperative Extension, research, and academic programs; private and public university ...

  5. OSU Team

    OSU Team The OSU Extension in the City team includes OSU Extension represenatives from all OSU Extension program areas and all of Ohio's large cities.  The team engages people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based education ...

  6. The Coming of Age of Hispanic Millennials

    The Columbus Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs is cohosting the visit of Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Hispanic research at the Pew Research Center with The Ohio State University. Mr. Lopez will talk about “The Coming of Age of Hispanic Mill ...

  7. Wooster Campus Fall Unity Festival

    This event introduces Ohio State ATI students to various organizations and support services for their success and engagement in Wooster campus.  ...

  8. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean culture, arts, heritage, and history. Earlier engagements were for countries including Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Lebanon (Facebook page) ...

  9. Breyer Horse Show


  10. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

