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Search results

  1. Safe Use of Guns Clinic


  2. Cloverbud Meeting

    The 4-H Cloverbud program is for youth ages 5 years (as of January 1, 2016) and in kindergarten until they reach age 8 and in the third grade. Volunteer Beth Marshall provides leadership to the Hancock County 4-H Cloverbud program. Youth ages 5-8 and thei ...

  3. Webinars

    Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research- Presentation on OSU Extension in the City Colorado State Extension in the City- Presentation Successful Urban Programming Building from the Tradition Base- Presentation Delivery Extension in Cities- ...

  4. Count Your Coin Week

    Start getting your spare change together for Count Your Coin Week!! Bring in your spare change to a participating financial institution to deposit it in a new or existing SAVINGS account. Sign up to be a Hancock Saver and you'll be entered for a chan ...

  5. 4-H Rabbits 101

    So you want to take a rabbit project... Beverly Welty, Hancock County Rabbit Department Superintendent, and Hancock Hareraisers 4-H Club Advisor has scheduled three meetings for youth who plan to have a rabbit project in 2016.  Whether you plan to take a ...

  6. Christmas Holiday Observed


  7. Senior Fair Board Meeting


  8. CARTeens Program


  9. Morrow County Junior Fairboard


  10. 4-H Teen Opportunities Application Due

    If dropping the applications off after hours, you can put them in our drop box on the outside of our building in the back parking lot. ...
