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  1. 2014 Annual Report

      OSU Extension has a rich history in Ohio cities and continues to address today’s priorities, while engaging in research to prepare for the future. As part of the OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension is the univers ...

  2. Dairy Committee Meeting


  3. Creating Pollinator Habitat

    Learn about creating habitat in diverse ecosystems, including vacant urban property, roadsides, field edges, utility rights-of-way, pastures, and woodlands. Featured projects include Iowa State University's STRIPS native prairie research project, Pol ...

  4. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    Are you a positive leader? Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, have happy and satisfied customers. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your o ...

  5. Emotional Vampires at Work- Online Workshop

    Do you work with an emotional vampire? The kind of co-worker who can drain the energy and morale of everyone they encounter? Their toxic behavior can range from subtle comments to full-blown drama. It is important to learn how to keep her or his negativit ...

  6. NUEL cover image

    NUEL ...

  7. 4-H Kick-Off


  8. Ohio 4-H Conference

    Ohio 4-H Conference ...

  9. Green and Sustainable Wastewater Treatment- Mound Systems

    Workshop Schedule How soil and sand removal pollutants – Dr. Karen Mancl Determining the soil vertical separation distance – Dr. Brian Slater Lunch on your own Gathering soil information from the soil survey and soil evaluation reports – Dr. Slater Mound ...

  10. Open Horse Show

