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  1. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  2. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  3. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  4. Strengthening Families Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional Strengthening Families  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge ne ...

  5. keepin' it REAL Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting  11  regional  keepin’ it REAL  trainings with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Participants of this  two-day  training will walk away with the materials and knowledge necessar ...

  6. Reporting

    SNAP-Ed Reporting FY 2020 Partner Agency and Delivery Site Request Form   SNAP-Ed Reporting System Click here to access the SNAP-Ed Reporting System. SNAP-Ed Qualtrics Online DRS Use link below for reporting SNAP-Ed and Cooking Matters nutrition education ...

  7. Middle School Curriculum

      MyPlate | Balanced Life | Label Sleuths | Choosing Healthy | What You Drink Note: The Facilitator Feedback Form is to be used if you have any feedback about teaching a particular lesson or variation. [PDF] All about MyPlate All about MyPlate lesson plan ...

  8. 2018 FCS Committee

    October 24 & 25, 2018 Marriott Airport 1375 North Cassady Ave, Columbus, OH 2018 All FCS Conference Commitee Members Stacey Baker Program Specialist State Sarah Beaumont-White office associate State Bridget B ...

  9. CFAES Annual Research Conference

    The conference will include updates about the state of research at the college, faculty awards, and a poster viewing for the annual poster competition. Review the agenda ...

  10. Adams Selected National Excellence in EFNEP Award Recipient

    Robin Adams  was named the 2019 National Excellence in EFNEP Award winner. Adams will receive the award at a recognition celebration at the 2019 EFNEP Annual Conference in Washington DC on March 12. Adams is well known in Mahoning County for successfully ...
