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Search results

  1. Dairy Beef Weigh-in


  2. Dairy Beef Feeder Possession Deadline/Registration Due to Extension Office

    Dairy Beef Feeder Possession Deadline and Dairy Beef Feeder Registration Due to Extension Office by 4:30pm ...

  3. Final Day for Enrollment Changes or New Members Added by Advisors


  4. 4-H Enrollment Deadline

    Enrollment forms, Self-determined sheet, across county lines forms, book order, and club program DUE to Extension office by 4:30pm Horse and Dog Permission forms are also due. ...

  5. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Coyotes

    Join OSU Extension’s Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists to learn about these amazing animals. Dr. Stan Gehrt, OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist and coyote expert will join us for an evening program. Dr. Gehrt will share details about coyotes, community- ...

  6. Make it- Take it- Taste it!

    It’s almost here! Mark your calendars for our annual “Make it, Take it” herb pot project. But this year we have added a twist – you can actually taste some goodies using the featured herbs! And we will have copies of the recipes for you too!   The “Make i ...

  7. Rabbit & Cavy Skillathon

    Please consult letter and time assignments. Rabbit Skillathon Study Guide ...

  8. Current Opportunities

    In an effort to keep you informed, this page will list any current and/or upcoming opportunities that our office receives from the State 4-H Office or surrounding counties. Check back often for new updates!     Volunteer Orientations -  October 13th · Clo ...

  9. Nutrition Judging

    For full details, please consult the letter and judging schedule. 2016 Skillathon Study Guides 1st Year Beginner (Age 8 and 9-10 year olds 1st Year in Nutrition project) Beginner (Ages 9-10) Intermediate (Ages 11-13) Advanced (Ages 14 & up) ...

  10. Clothing Judging

    For full details, please consult the letter and judging schedule. 2016 Skillathon Study Guides 1st Year Beginner (Age 8 or 1st Year in Clothing Ages 9 and 10) Beginner (Ages 9 and 10) Intermediate (Ages 11-13) Advanced (Ages 14 and up) ...
