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  1. Ohio 4-H Foundation meeting


  2. OSU Extension County Office and Program Status

    OSU Extension has reopened our county offices fully to the public as of June 1. Marquee Slide Scarlet Marquee ...

  3. Live Healthy Live Well

    Live Healthy Live Well Live Healthy Live Well (LHLW) lessons educate consumers on nutrition, fitness and other wellness issues, increasing awareness and adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors, and ultimately reducing health care costs. The Live Healthy L ...

  4. Events


  5. February 8- 14, 2021


  6. Swine Industry Response and Education in Partnership with Industry and Other Agencies

    In response to the very difficult situation in the swine industry, as a result of the broken chain at the processing facilities, we are calling an emergency meeting of county educators and NRCS district conservationists for Friday at 10:30am.  ...

  7. PCard Monthly Statements

    PCard Office and Controller does not require any significant effort with reviewing, handling and/or retaining PCard statements. Monthly bank statements have evolved to be less significant.  This resulted from statements no longer containing sensitive Univ ...

  8. Recommend That All OSUE Offices to Have a Travel Arranger

    It is important to keep the flow of fiscal documents moving forward, and one area we can improve on is to have at least one Travel Arranger in each office that CAN get in to the system to check on payments, to add missing documentation, etc.- not intendin ...

  9. for Shortened URLs

    Create shorter web links, and name them yourself, that can be used in social media, for print, signage and webpages… the URL can be trusted and is permanent. Go to,  OSU Login, copy/paste the LONG link to shorten, give it a name go.osu. ...

  10. LOD Videos and Links- Telecommuting and Online Learning Support

    Find links and recordings that the Learning and Organizational Development unit has created for a ‘video library’ of sorts- many topics that you can watch and learn: COVID-19 Telecommuting and Online Learning Support Training ...
