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Search results

  1. About Fairfield County

    Welcome to OSU Extension in Fairfield County!------------------------------------------------------------- Fairfield County was formed December 9, 1800, by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair and so named from the beauty of its fair fields. As of 2013, the cou ...

  2. Safe Sitter June 4, 2024-CANCELLED

    Safe Sitter Essentials Designed to prepare students to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use mannequins to practic ...

  3. Fairfield County Summer Judging Workshop

     Are you a new 4-H’er who wants to see what Summer Judging is all about? Are you a returning 4-H’er who still has questions?  Join the Fairfield County Fashion & Nutrition Board and Fairfield County Junior Leadership Club to learn more.  General tips ...

  4. Fairfield County Ohio Local Foods Tours

    Join OSU Extension- Fairfield County as we learn about and visit local food producers in Fairfield County! Thursday, June 27 | 10:30am-2:30pm | Grill Smart: Hands-on learning the science of grilling $30 per person (limited to 16 participants)- Agriculture ...

  5. Office Closed- Memorial Day


  6. Shop Lancaster Greenhouse & Nursery to support Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers

    Support the Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers and fill your garden as well.  Visit Lancaster Greenhouse & Nursery and present the flyer below on:  Friday, May 24th (9am-7pm) Saturday, May 25th (9am-6pm) Sunday, May 26th (11am-5pm) Monday, Ma ...

  7. Safe Sitter-CANCELLED

    Registration can be found at ...

  8. Livestock Information and Resources

    Quality Assurance Requirements Quality Assurance training is required annually for any member exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair (or Ohio State Fair). Livestock species include Beef (Breeding & Market), Dairy Breeding, Dairy F ...

  9. Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    People interested in becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer follow a volunteer selection process. The first step in this process is to inquire about an application at the Miami County Extension office. The process also includes attendance at an Intern Orien ...

  10. Older Youth Opportunities

    Older Youth Opportunities   Applications and Forms (due January 12, 2024) (If you have questions or need assistance, feel free to set up an appointment with Leslie by emailing her at   or calling 740-277-4625. Awards are announced at ...
