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From Watershed Planning to Field-Level Implementation-January
Join the OSU Water Quality Associates for a free virtual webinar series on relevant water quality issues in the Western Lake Erie Watershed. Registration required. ...
Willpower: Some Help with New Year’s Resolutions
Joseph Maiorano, PhD, Family and Consumer Sciences, OSU Extension, Harrison County I imagine that some of you may look forward to something different in 2022. If so, New Year’s resolutions may help you accomplish that goal, but resolutions, sometimes, ...
Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility
Joseph Maiorano, PhD, Family and Consumer Sciences, OSU Extension, Harrison County Farming, as life, is neither easy nor predictable, and it does not ask our permission. We make mistakes, others treat us unfairly, and conditions don’t cooperate. ...
Do You Get the Winter Blues?
Bridget Britton, Behavioral Health Field Specialist ANR Those that work in the agriculture industry know that it doesn’t matter the time of year, it is always busy. The Winter season is no different it just has its own unique demands. However, there may b ...
The Thriving Farmer – Information to Help Farmers and Their Families Make Healthful Choices
Joseph Maiorano, OSU Extension, FCS Educator Harrison County Lunch: The Fuel You’ll Need Farmer, you work hard. During a 10-15-hour workday, you will burn between 2,500 and 6,750 calories (, nd)! Before leaving for work, you may eat ...
Rural Roads in the Autumn
Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County Harvest season started several weeks ago and in many areas is well over halfway complete. With the changing of the seasons, we also see changes that need to be considered when it comes to roadway safety in agric ...
Prevent Combine Fires During Fall Harvest
Dee Jepsen, Extension State Safety Leader and Wayne Dellinger, ANR Educator Union County Autumn weather conditions have led to an increase in combine fires. Two recommendations to prevent injuries and property damage include: preventative maintenance and ...
AgrAbility 30 Year Anniversary
Laura Akgerman, Disability Services Coordinator, Ohio AgrAbility Program and OSU Extension Ohio AgrAbility invites you to join us in celebrating 30 years of AgrAbility! In October AgrAbility projects will be on Facebook and Twitter posting stories, video ...
U-Pick Apple Orchard Safety
J.T. Benitez, OSU Extension, ANR Educator Butler County Late summer into autumn means it is u-pick season on many agritourism farms across Ohio. It is a time for visitors to make a trip out to the farm to pick their favorite fruit or vegetable and spend ...
It’s Time to Break Down the Stigma
Bridget Britton, Behavioral Health Field Specialist ANR September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and with that comes the opportunity to raise awareness to help prevent even one more suicide from happening. When you live where you work the stress of ...