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Search results

  1. 4-H Volunteer Training: STEM Pathways Challenges & Risk Management

    As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must attend one training in order to maintain his/her volunteer status. This is our way to answer your questions, keep our information up-to-date, and meet state guidelines. Please note, if you do not attend a training, y ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Training: Risk Management & Club Finances

    As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must attend one training in order to maintain his/her volunteer status. This is our way to answer your questions, keep our information up-to-date, and meet state guidelines. Please note, if you do not attend a training, y ...

  3. 4-H Volunteer Training: Risk Management & Club Finances

    As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must attend one training in order to maintain his/her volunteer status. This is our way to answer your questions, keep our information up-to-date, and meet state guidelines. Please note, if you do not attend a training, y ...

  4. 4-H Volunteer Training: Head Advisor Update & Risk Management

    As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must attend one training in order to maintain his/her volunteer status. This is our way to answer your questions, keep our information up-to-date, and meet state guidelines. Please note, if you do not attend a training, y ...

  5. Ohio Fair Managers Conference- Junior Fair Day


  6. 4-H Camp Counselor Training

    All 2015 4-H Camp Counselors need to attend this training. ...

  7. Ohio 4-H CARTEENs Conference

    More information to be posted soon. ...

  8. 4-H- Volunteer Training- Club/Committee Finances

    Come to this training to learn about how to handle the finances for your 4-H club. ...

  9. 4-H- CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  10. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...
