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  1. CD Spring Unit Meeting


  2. Communiqué February 4, 2015

    Contents Important W-2 Information – Ohio State Tax Reminder OSUE Promotion Guidelines Available and Other Updates Distinguished Staff Award Nominations – due February 9 Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award Nominations – due February 9 Outreach and E ...

  3. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  4. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  5. Farm Financial Analysis Training and Interpretation Webinars

    Ohio and Cornell are partnering on a farm business and benchmarking project this year. Cornell is focusing its efforts on beef farmers. Ohio’s priorities include crop, beef and dairy farms. To assist educators and consultants completing analyses, a series ...

  6. 4-H Junior Camp Registrations Due


  7. 4-H Science Saturday- The Sustainable World Tour

    Ohio State's Bioproducts Innovaton Center (OBIC) is on the road at 4-H Science Saturdays! The Sustainable World tour will encourage participants to consider plant-based (biobased) alternatives and excite kids about future careers in sustainability. S ...

  8. Performance Management & Coaching Workshop

    As a manager or unit supervisor you have the important responsibility of guiding, directing, and managing the performance of individuals you supervise. This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching a ...

  9. New 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Training


  10. Ohio JCEP Meeting

