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Dairy Cattle
Spring Flowers
The best time to plant bulbs is September through October When the leaves on the trees start to change color and drop to the ground, it’s a sign that fall is here. It’s also a sign that it’s time to plant bulbs so you can have a bountiful splash of color ...
Monthly Garden Tips
JANUARY 7 •Check trees and shrubs for signs of rodent feeding. •Salt used to melt ice on walks and driveways can damage plants. •Have power yard equipment serviced now. •Clean, repair, or replace garden tools and equipment. •Move houseplants away from fro ...
MG Web Resources
Additional Resources: Buckeye Yard and Garden- this is a great weekly update for current insect, weed, and disease issues in the landscape. Plant Facts from OSU Horticulture and Crop Science Timely Garden Tips Photos- plants, insects, turf, fruits and veg ...
State Topic News
2014 Fall Ross County Ag Newsletter In this Issue: Nutrient Applicator Licensing (+ flyer); Farm Bill Decisions; OSU Outlook Meeting Scheduled; Introductory Grain Marketing Series; Educational Webinars Offered; Management Essentials for Farm Managers fly ...
To-ma-to, Ta-mah-to = June News You say To-ma-to, I say Ta-mah-to... No matter how you may say it, they are one of America's most popular fruits. In Ohio locally grown tomatoes can be found from early July to the middle of October, or until it frost ...
There's Music in the Air
The Hardin County Homemaker’s Council and Clubs invite you to the 66th annual Christmas Program and Luncheon, scheduled for Tuesday, December 2 at the First United Methodist Church, 234 N.Main St., Kenton. “There’s Music in the Air” is the theme of the d ...
The Last Text
'The Last Text'- When It Comes to Texting and Driving, It Can Wait! Please take 10 minutes to view the video "The Last Text". Then take a minute to STOP & THINK! Take out your wireless device. Read the last text message you receive ...
Grazing School
Find recent "Grazing School" presentations on-line here! The "Pastures for Profit" grazing school is a comprehensive course in Management Intensive Grazing Pastures for Profit is a comprehensive management intensive grazing school offe ...