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Search results

  1. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  2. Martin Luther King Day- Office Closed


  3. Steer Weigh-in

    If you will be showing a steer at the 2015 Allen County Fair you must come to weigh-in. Click here to download the Steer Weigh-in registration form. ...

  4. Committees

    Get Involved! There are a variety of opportunities for parents, volunteers, and advisors to play a key role in the development and implementation of 4-H program areas. One way to get involved is to join, or visit, a 4-H advisory committee meeting. Not all ...

  5. Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance

    MGM Watershed Alliance- A Wise Use of Resources The Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance promotes the wisest use of our land and water resources for the present and for future generations. As a sponsoring agency of the Alliance, Miami County Extension wo ...

  6. 4-H Council Meeting


  7. Junior Fair Board Meeting


  8. Junior Leader Meeting


  9. 4-H Council Meeting


  10. Jr. Fair Board & Superintendent Fair Review Meeting

