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  1. ENR Scholars Seminar

    ENR 1150 Designed for first year Environment and Natural Resources Scholars students to explore personal interests, interdisciplinary opportunities, campus and local community resources, and issues and activities related to Environment and Natural Resourc ...

  2. Environment and Natural Resources Survey- Honors Section

    ENR 1100H Survey course for ENR Honors students. Covers academic requirements; university procedures, grading system, resources; student rights and responsibilities; overview of academic areas of study. Also covers career opportunities in Env't and N ...

  3. Why the AIC?

    Northeast Ohio is home to population centers, like Cleveland and Akron/Canton, along with rich, prime soils and a wide variety of farms. Our region includes Ohio’s highest concentration of women farmers and small and medium farms, and a large Amish popula ...

  4. Emeritus & Former Faculty at the SENR

    Associate Professors Assistant Professors Professors Service Years Program Area *Emeritus     Jerry M. Bigham* (Director) (Curriculum Vita) 1977-2010 Soil Science James H. Brown* (Assistant Director) 1970-1995 Forestry Frank G. Calhoun* 1986-2010 Soil Sci ...

  5. Annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet/Training


  6. Haden and Witter contribute to Ohio Agronomy Guide

    Ryan Haden and Jon Witter recently contributed to the 16 th  Edition of the Ohio Agronomy Guide. The  Ohio Agronomy Guide  is “ the official compilation of adaptive results and recommendations from research and educational programs. Described in this manu ...

  7. November Wooster Science Cafe TONIGHT

     Wednesday,  November 13th at 7PM  on  Climate change: Perspective from Agricultural Sciences, presented by Fiama Guevara Guillén and Nelly Arguello from The Ohio State University. Please note the change of venue from last year. ·       Science café will ...

  8. November 13, 2024


  9. Winning 4-H Plan Information

    What is the Winning 4-H Plan? The Winning 4-H Plan (W4HP) assists Extension professionals and volunteers by providing resources to aid them in developing accommodation plans to meet the needs of Ohio 4-H youth with disabilities. As a part of The Ohio Stat ...

  10. Full list of 2023 Publications

    2023 Publications to Date Ram K Adhikari, Neelam C Poudyal, Thomas O Ochuodho, Rajan Parajuli, Omkar Joshi, Sayeed R Mehmood, John F Munsell, Gaurav Dhungel, William Thomas, Ellen Crocker, Mo Zhou, Predictors of Landowners’ Intention to Manage Emerald Ash ...
