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  1. A Walk in the Woods

    See back for more information. ...

  2. Junior Fair board Workday


  3. Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay

    We’re excited to announce that Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay are making available to all Ohio 4-H members exclusive discounts on ticket packages for themselves, friends and families to enjoy! Celebrate the return of summer with a discount that’s su ...

  4. Youth Welding Workshop

    The Youth Welding Workshop which took place in April was filled to capacity with youth attendees. Due to our very generous sponsors and volunteer instructors we are able to host another workshop June 3 on the OSU Campus. Click here to find information for ...

  5. Allen County Fun Match


  6. Coffee with the MGVs: Attracting Hummingbirds & Butterflies

    Join us for a fun session on strategies to attract hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators to your garden. MGV Kathy Wilkey will discuss plants, practices and other ways to attract these desirable insects and birds to your garden. Flyer and regist ...

  7. Summer Opportunities for Youth

    Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back! Young entomologists interested in learning about the little creatures that really rule the world are invited for a week of hands-on experiences with experts from OSU’s Triplehorn Insect Collection and the D ...

  8. 4-H Trip Opportunities

    Attention 4-H members, ages 14-18 as of January 1, 2018- applications for state and national trips are now available!  Youth applying for these exciting opportunities will need to complete a “resume” and interview.  The deadline for submitting resumes is ...

  9. Dairy Feeder Weigh In


  10. 1st Annual 4-H Camp Counselor Chicken Dinner

    See flyer for details ...
