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Principles of Wildlife Ecology and Management
ENR 5360 Principles of population and community ecology applied to conservation and mgmt of terrestrial vertebrates. Principles of wildlife management including social and economic factors. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 623. Undergraduate G ...
Taxonomy and Behavior of Aquatic Invertebrates
ENR 5350.01 Taxonomy and behavior of the major groups of aquatic invertebrates, with an emphasis on North American freshwater macroinvertebrates. 1-2 required field trips. Prereq or concur: 5280, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with cred ...
Taxonomy and Behavior of Fishes
ENR 5350.02 Taxonomy and behavior of the major groups of fishes, with an emphasis on North American freshwater fishes. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR5350.02_SU23_Syllabus.pdf ENR 5350 AU24.pdf Summer 2025 Autumn 2025 Zach Steffensmeier In Person Environme ...
Forest Ecosystem Management
ENR 5340 Concepts and methods applied to managing forests across broad landscapes for biodiversity, multiple uses, and ecosystem integrity within the context of traditional forest management. 2 1.5-hr cl. Prereq: Sr or grad standing, and permission of ins ...
Urban Soils and Ecosystem Services: Assessment and Restoration
ENR 5279 A comprehensive study focused on assessment and restoration of urban soil to provide essential ecosystem services. Urban soil laboratory provides hands-on experience with soil assessment and restoration. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR 5279 AU23 S ...
Soil Fertility
ENR 5270 Provides a broad overview of the principles of soil fertility, plant nutrition, & nutrient management in managed ecosystems. Covers foundational information on the cycling of individual nutrients in soil, including the biotic and abiotic fact ...
Environmental Soil Chemistry and Remediation
ENR 5262 Environmental soil chemistry relevant to soil and contaminant remediation. Excessive phosphorus fertilizer, degraded coal mineland soils; salt degradation; heavy metal contamination; urban soils. Socioeconomic considerations including cost and co ...
Wetland Field Laboratory
ENR 5250.02 Laboratory on wetland hydrology, vegetation, water quality, soils, and aquatic biota. Prereq: Concur: 5250.01. Not open to students with credit for 725 or 726. Undergraduate Graduate 1.0 ENR 5250.02 AU22 Syllabus.pdf ENR 5250.02 Syllabus-AU 20 ...
Wetland Ecology and Restoration
ENR 5250.01 Wetland hydrology, biogeochemistry, vegetation, biotic adaptations. Ecosystem services, classification, and management of wetlands. Fundamental concepts of ecological engineering applied to wetland creation and restoration and river restoratio ...
US Environmental Impact Assessment
ENR 5210 Study of impact of human activity in natural resources through evaluation of environmental impact. Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR 5210 AU22 syllabus.pdf ENR 5210 AU24.pdf Autumn 2025 Dr. Stacey Fineran In Person ...