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  1. OSU Outstanding Senior Award

    Allison Pullin is named one of Ohio State's 20 outstanding seniors! ...

  2. New Class of CFAES Student Ambassadors Includes Two AEDE Undergrads

    Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) recently announced their new class of Student Ambassadors for the 2014-2015 academic year, which includes two students enrolled in AEDE’s Agribusiness and Applied Economic ...

  3. Livestock Judging: Coach Culp

      Year Photo Team Results 2011 L to R: Kathleen Shircliff, Randolph; Caitlin Bushman, Pemberville; John Heins, Sidney; Arlis Young, Glenford; Tyler Lones, Somerset; Ty McGuire, Eaton; Lynette Sell, Hanoverton; Kyle Culp, Coach All East Evaluation, Selecti ...

  4. Weed Management Resources

    Reminders about some the resources available to help with weed management and herbicide selection, and resistance issues.  The  2015 Weed Control Guide  is available for purchase online at the OSU Extension estore ( or loca ...

  5. Agronomy Educational Program Listing

    Many dates for agronomic educational programs being held in the upcoming months can be found at A variety of Agronomy Update Programs, Intensive Crop Workshops, Webinars and programs which offer Pesticide Applicator Lice ...

  6. 2015 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 6, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is  “Take the Next Step” in your forage management program. Th ...

  7. Northern Ohio Ag Day/Wyandot Agronomy day

    On  January 29th  at the Wyandot County Fair Grounds, Masters building, OSU Extension Erie Basin, will be hosting the  Wyandot Agronomy day. This program will focus on Corn and Soybean production, but pesticide credits will be available for all categories ...

  8. West Ohio Agronomy Day

    West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 12th at St. Michael’s Hall, 33 Elm Street, Fort Loramie.  Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m.; breakfast sandwiches, donuts, orange juice, and coffee will be available.  A Grain Market update from Je ...

  9. Cold Weather and Fall Herbicides- to spray or not to spray

    It’s always amazing to see apparently still thriving winter annual weeds underneath the snow or following some really cold weather.  Even the dandelions in the lawn appeared healthy yesterday, although they can be one of the first weeds to turn purple fol ...

  10. So you want to be a CCA

    The next North American Certified Crop Adviser Exam Date is February 6, 2015. The registration period closes on December 5, 2014.   Keep in mind, to become eligible for the CCA certification, you must take and pass  both the North American and the local ( ...
