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Search results

  1. OSUN/AS/HN seminar series: Dr. Ronald S. Kensinger, speaker

    "Estrogen in milk: Quantification, Mechanism of Secretion, and Dietary Implications". 0252 Campbell Hall, 120 Gerlaugh Hall. ...

  2. Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Field Day, Bowling Green


  3. Farm Science Review

    Ohio State University’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center, 135 State Route 38 NE, London. Educational programs, product line exhibits from 600 commercial exhibitors, and information about latest advances in agricultural production. Schedule, information and ...

  4. Beef School

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Bond Ridge Road, Caldwell, and at Ohio State University Extension regional office, 16714 State Route 215, Caldwell. Information and registration details: litt ...

  5. Jackson Beef and Forage Day

    Jackson Beef and Forage Day Aug. 29. Registration deadline August 26. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Jackson Agricultural Research Station, 019 Standpipe Road, Jackson. Registration is $5 and includes dinner. Registration: http://go.o ...

  6. Organic Poultry Pasture Walk and Discussion

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s East Badger Organic Research Farm, 7250 Ely Road, just north of Apple Creek in Wayne County. Updates on research related to alternative diets, managing pastured chicks in mobile pens, adding broilers to ...

  7. Seminar, Kathryn Corl, Committee on Academic Misconduct, Ohio State

    244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster) ...

  8. Grains Outlook


  9. Examining Potential Profitability in 2013: Land Values, Cash Rents & Crop Inputs


  10. National Outlook Finally Seems Bright

