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  1. Soil Fertility Day

    Includes Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification **This 3-hour training fulfills Ohio certification requirements from the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture Featuring: •Greg Labarge, OSU Extension Agronomic Crops Specialist •Dr. Culman, OARDC Soil Fe ...

  2. Butler County Fair


  3. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  4. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  5. Level I Food Safety Training

    Registration and Information ...

  6. Slips, Trips, and Falls

    Kent McGuire – OSU Ag Safety and Health Coordinator: Throughout the workday, a farmer may encounter several types of walking and working surfaces. Farmers have an increased risk of injury from a slip, trip, or fall because of the variety of surfaces they ...

  7. Welcoming Laura Akgerman!

    OSU Extension and the Ohio AgrAbility Project welcomes Laura Cherry Akgerman as the new Disability Services Coordinator. Laura will serve CFAES faculty and staff, by answering questions and finding solutions for specific disability accommodations for outr ...

  8. Welcoming Lisa Pfeifer!

    We welcome Lisa Pfeifer to the Ag Safety and Health team. She will hold the role of our new Ag Safety Program Manager. Lisa will work with the program areas of Ag Rescue, Emergency Management, and AgrAbility. ...

  9. Looking for Farmers to Participate in Grain Dust Study

    Ohio farmers are being asked to participate in a study about their dust exposure while working of their on farm grain bins. The project is funded by the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) to learn the real exposures farmers experience at when they unloa ...

  10. Spot the Safety Violation

    Can you spot the Safety Violations in this photo?  Click  here  to see the answers. ...
