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  1. Rootworm Hatch is Underway

    Last week, Larry Bledsoe from Purdue University reported that corn rootworm hatch occurred on June 3 (see  With the exception of 2012, this seems to be in line with past few years.  The bad news is ...

  2. Ambassador Phoning


  3. Ambassador Phoning


  4. Ambassador Phoning


  5. Earl McMunn Agricultural Issues Forum- ACT

    Want to learn about urban agriculture in our local community and discuss the topic with knowledgeable panelists that work with it on a daily basis?  Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) invites you to attend the Earl McMunn Contemporary Issues in ...

  6. Mashed Potato Martini Bar- ACT


  7. Lindsay Hill Memorial 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament- ACT


  8. Saddle and Sirloin Club Meetings

    Location: Animal Science Arena The purpose of this organization shall be to stimulate interest in the animal and meat industries with the perpetuation of the traditions and the ideals of the Saddle and Sirloin Club at The Ohio State University. Contact: P ...

  9. July OSU Agronomy Field Days

    Weed Day The 2015 OSU Weed Science Field Day hosted by Mark Loux will be held on Wednesday July 8 at the OARDC Western Ag Research Station.  Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff and students will start at 9 ...

  10. June Sets Rainfall Records for Many Parts of Ohio

    June will go down as forecast with it being a wetter and warmer than normal month. Most of the warmth came from moisture and clouds holding overnight lows being held up where daytime temperatures were close to normal. The outlook for July is for continued ...
