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  1. Weather Outlook and El Nino Update

    Not much change from previous weeks thinking. Temperatures will average normal to slightly above normal for the rest of August while rainfall will be close to normal or slightly below. Nothing extreme is forecast.  See the 8-14 temperature and precipitati ...

  2. Weather Outlook

    The outlook for August calls for slightly warmer than normal temperatures and normal and slightly drier than normal. Normal rainfall is about 0.75 inches per week in August. As we go into the end of the growing season in September temperatures will likely ...

  3. Central Ohio Corn Field Day

    The Central Ohio Corn Field Day will be held Thursday, September 3 beginning at 5:00 pm at Ohio Foundation Seeds located at 11491 Foundation Road in Hartford, Ohio.  There is no charge to attend this field day.  For more information including topics, spea ...

  4. Soil Health Workshop Series

    OSU Extension Champaign County and the Champaign Soil and Water Conservation District are offering a Soil Health Workshop Series beginning in September. This workshop is designed for farmers interested in learning more about soil health and fertility and ...

  5. 2015 Manure Science Review

    The 2015 Ohio Manure Science Review (MSR) will be held in Darke County on Wednesday August 12 at Mississinawa Valley High School, 10480 Staudt Road, in Union City, Ohio, close to the border with Indiana.  The MSR is an educational program designed for tho ...

  6. Managing Alfalfa Stands Damaged by Waterlogging

    We are receiving reports and have personally observed fields of alfalfa injured by the excessive soil wetness the first half of this growing season. Generally, waterlogging injury appears as stunting with a general yellowing of the entire plant, a result ...

  7. Farm Pesticide Collections

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a collection for farmers to dispose of unwanted pesticides. The collection is only for farm-related chemicals so household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted. The 2015 dates and locations are: Maho ...

  8. Up Close and Personal: Talk to Organic Researchers

    Ohio-- Growers interested in learning the latest in organic research, including updates on organic corn production, organic ecosystem services and organic pest controls, can hear from experts from Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  9. Workshops to Promote the Use Cover Crops to Improve Soil Health, Water Quality and Yields

    CELINA, Ohio – Growers who want to improve soil health, reduce soil erosion and cut down on nutrient losses may want to consider using cover crops such as oilseed radish, cereal rye, or Austrian winter pea and crimson clover, according to a soil expert wi ...

  10. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    While a variety of rainfall and soil moisture conditions can be found around Ohio, a shortage of rain following application of residual herbicides seems to be common.  We are hearing about weeds emerging early in the season even where residual herbicides ...
