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  1. Field Crops Day ...

  2. Hops Production Field Night- Piketon

    Hops Production Field Night Flyer ...

  3. Hops Production Field Night- Wooster

    Hops Production Field Night Flyer ...

  4. Forage Management Tour

    2015 Forage Mangement Tour Flyer ...

  5. Ohio Sheep Day

    2015 Ohio Sheep Day Flyer ...

  6. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    What could welcome the Fourth of July more than pots of red geraniums and a flag or two on your porch?  First, to avoid confusing you, let me note that there is a perennial geranium that returns each spring and blooms profusely in early summer. Known comm ...

  7. Lake States Fire Science Consortium Moquah Barrens Field Tour

    Lake States Fire Science Consortium's Moquah Barrens Field Tour to be held at Rally Point: Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center, 29270 Co Hwy G, Ashland, WI 54806. This Field Tour is Free and Open to all – but we would appreciate a head count to coord ...

  8. Weather Update

    The weather pattern will trend closer to normal into early June. However, it still favors the risk of bursts of cool and damp weather in the eastern corn and soybean belt into summer as a results of this past winter and early spring.    The weather patter ...

  9. Forage Planting Dates

    In the Ohio Agronomy Guide, I recommend that forages be planted by the first of May. But isn’t this year different, because of the cold, late spring weather? After all, planting by early May has been a difficult task in much of Ohio this year, although we ...

  10. First Cutting of Forages

    While we've all been focused on getting planting done between the rains, our established forage crops have quietly been growing rapidly. I hate to say this, but first cutting of forages is just about upon us. Orchardgrass was just beginning to shoot ...
