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Search results

  1. J. Diallo

    202 Monday, February 24, 2014- 4:00pm to 5:00pm ...

  2. ACEL Graduate Research Conference

    The Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership Graduate Student Association coordinates this graduate student research conference. It will be held in the Ag Admin Auditorium. Contact Lindsay Breuler in 208 Ag Admin for more information. ...

  3. Express Services

    Express Services are offered in 210 Kottman Hall to students on a walk-in basis with a time limit of 15 minutes. Students can get help with:  Scheduling, adding or dropping a class prerequisite concerns general academic questions signatures for forms such ...

  4. Winter Tree ID

    Join us for this hands on workshop designed to help you work with a dichotomous key in indentifying trees in the winter months.  This is an advanced class, so some knowledge of tree identfication is required. This program will be held at the Donald W. Mey ...

  5. Selling Timber? Consider This...

    Selling Timber? Consider This..... will be held at the University of Akron Medina County University Center in Medina, Ohio. Learn more details and register at the OWS site. Registration deadline is Mar. 21, 2014. ...

  6. A.Britt

    202 Tuesday, February 25, 2014- 12:30pm to 1:30pm ...

  7. EPN Tuesday Breakfast Club on Thursday

    The EPN Breakfast Club moves from Tuesday to Thursday when Columbus Zoo and Aquarium's Director Emeritus, Jack Hanna, will present Celebrating One Million Actions for Planet Earth. This event will be held in the Ohio Union's Archie Griffin Ballr ...

  8. S.Sastry-FABE7210

    219 Tuesday, April 15, 2014- 5:00pm to 8:30pm ...

  9. S.Sastry-FABE7210

    219 Tuesday, April 8, 2014- 5:00pm to 8:30pm ...

  10. S.Sastry-FABE7210

    219 Tuesday, April 1, 2014- 5:00pm to 8:30pm ...
