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  1. Engineering plants to help replace oil

    OARDC  will play a key role in the engineering of a novel plant-based fuel, funded by a $5.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The grant, awarded by DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy  (ARPA-E) under the Plants Engineered ...

  2. ATI ranks No. 1 nationally in two-year agriculture degrees

    ATI is back on top as No. 1 in  Community College Week's  annual Top 100 report, after a one-year drop to the No. 2 slot. ATI ranked first in the nation among two-year institutions in the  number of degrees awarded in agriculture  (pdf), agricultural ...

  3. CFAES Library renovation set to begin

    The CFAES Library is being revitalized. Located in the south wing of the Agricultural Administration Building in Columbus and first opened back in 1956, the new facility-- to be renamed the CFAES Library and Student Success Center-- will be renovated &quo ...

  4. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    OSU Extension now has 12 field specialists located around the state, each working on a specific focus area and able to respond quickly to current topics and pressing issues. A field specialist in taxation will begin in September, and a search is in proces ...

  5. Volume 14 Issue 3


  6. First Day of Classes


  7. 4-H News and Notes for July 22, 2015

    Dear 4-H members, parents, and volunteers, There are several important 4-H reminders and updates listed below.  Please click the headlines for more details. Only Two Chances Left to Complete Quality Assurance and Skillathon- Tonight (Wednesday July 22nd) ...

  8. Next Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection Webinar Program February 3

    Soybean Production will be the topic for the February 3rd program starting at 10:00-11:30 am. The topics presented will include Agronomic Practices to Maximize Soybean Yield with Dr. Laura Lindsey, Extension Specialist-Soybean and Small Grain Production, ...

  9. Register Now for Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 6, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is “Take the Next Step” in your forage management program. Det ...

  10. Fulton Soybean College, February 17, 2015

    Want to maximize your soybean production and profitability? Join OSU Extension in Fulton County Tuesday, February 17 from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. as we present a hands-on, intensive soybean management workshop for Ohio Crop Producers that will help you becom ...
