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Search results

  1. 2015-06


  2. Pesticide Applicators Training (PAT) & Fertilizer Applicators Certificate Training (FACT)

    All registration information for those who need to recertify in 2016 will be receiving information on how to register for the program in the mail.  Cost is $35 and lunch will be provided.  A complete listing of PAT/FACT programs in the Southwest Ohio area ...

  3. Is Your Farm Lease Enforceable?

    We commonly get questions about farm leases in the Extension office.  It is important to understand what standard items need to go into the farm lease in case there are questions or issues that come up later on down the road.  Conforming to Ohio’s legal r ...

  4. Annie's Project

    Annie's Project Brochure ...

  5. Adult PQA Meeting for Swine Producers

    This is important especially if parents of under aged showman are going to be participating at Louisville at the North American Livestock Expo.  To register, please call 937-382-0901 or email Tony Nye at ...

  6. Lazy E Ranch Internship

    The Lazy E Ranch, LLC in Guthrie, Oklahoma is looking for several enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals for multiple internship positions. Positions includes Sales Prep Technician, General Horsemanship, Foaling Attendants, and Breeding Attendants. A ...

  7. ASAS Internship

    The ASAS Science Policy Summer Internship Program provides experience for undergraduates and graduate students in legislative, regulatory, or administrative science policy activities in Washington DC. A full description of the program can be found on the ...

  8. Last Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection of the Season

    Our last Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection program of the winter months is March 10 on the Agronomic Utilization of Manure Can Manure Sourced Nutrients be used to Meet Crop Need? Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist-Agronomic Systems, OSUE Alternative Applicat ...

  9. 2015-05


  10. 2015-04

