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Safe Operation of Tractors while Mowing along Roadways
By: Dewey Mann- Research Associate- With more than adequate rainfall this summer, the grass and weeds will likely be more resilient than normal. To keep field edges looking nice and increase visibility along public roadways, farmers and highway crews will ...
Resources for Managing Agricultural Employee Safety
Kent McGuire – OSU Ag Safety and Health Coordinator- In agriculture there can be unique circumstances that apply to worker safety and the resources available specific to agricultural safety compliance can be limited. OSU Ag Safety and Health has dedicated ...
Will Planting Delays Require Earlier Maturing Corn Hybrids?
According to the USDA/NASS (, during the past week Ohio corn acreage planted increased sharply (from 8% for the week ending May 4 to 40% for the week ending May 11). However, in some areas, persistent rain and saturated soil cond ...
Yes, this is a repeat: Temperatures are still cool
Soil temperatures from around the state are finally approaching optimum planning but still on the cool side for soybean. From the weather stations at the branches, these are the soil temperatures at 2.5 inches, from April 20 and on May 4: County ...
Moving Hay Bales
July 2015
Ag Safety S.T.A.T. – Safe Tactics for Ag Today is an electronic newsletter prepared by team members from the OSU Extension Agricultural Safety & Health Office. The goal is to provide seasonal safety news and activities that may be re-published in your ...
Weather Update
May began cooler and wetter than normal as expected. The week of May 5 will start cool but then starting May 7 we will turn warmer than normal. Temperatures will reach into the 70s north and 80s south by Wednesday and Thursday. Outside of scattered light ...
Be Mindful of Bees during Delayed Planting this Season
(Editor's note: Reed Johnson is the lead author on this article) Beekeepers in Ohio suffered substantial losses of colonies over the exceptionally long and cold winter of 2013-2014. Here in Wooster we lost more than half of our colonies and beekeepe ...
Have You Evaluated Your Forage Stands?
Two weeks ago Rory Lewandowski wrote an article describing how to evaluate forage stands for winter injury. So our question is, “Have you walked out into your forage stands yet this spring?” If not, you may be in for a rude surprise. The hard freeze this ...
This Week's Weather
The week of April 21-26 will feature temperatures a few degrees above normal with below normal rainfall. Normal highs are in the 60s and normal lows in the 40s for the most part. Normal rainfall is about 0.75 inches. We are also entering the period where ...