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From Wet Weather to Dry Weather…
Most areas in Ohio experienced above average rainfall during soybean vegetative stages. With wet weather, soybeans tend to have reduced tap root growth and increased lateral root growth near the soil surface(photo example). This is a problem when the we ...
TWEL Keith Norris Thesis
Body mass dynamics, stopover durations, and habitat conditions for migrant shorebirds in the southwestern Lake Erie marsh region Keith Alan Norris, MS Advisor: Robert J. Gates Thesis Migration is energetically expensive for shorebirds. Wetland and coast ...
Sorting through Residual Soybean Herbicide options
There are a bunch of residual herbicide premixes available now for use in soybeans. Most of these are listed in the 2015 edition of the Weed Control Guide, but it seems like there’s always one or two that we don’t know about. Many new premixes are essen ...
Editor's Note
In last week’s article: “Pricing Corn Silage Update” the step 4 the sentence should have read “based on current market values…”, instead of “based on nutrient values…” ...
Hall of Fame Call for Nominations
The Ohio State Animal Science Hall of Fame Committee is soliciting nominations for the Animal Science Hall of Fame. ...
Past Fire and Present-day Mesophication: Implications for Oak Ecosystem Restoration Webinar
The Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium recommends a webinar co-hosted by the Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium and the Society for Ecological Restoration-Medwest/Great Lakes Chapter. Gregory Nowacki, PhD, Regional Ecologist, Acti ...
Fire and the Northern Long-Eared Bat: Vulnerability and Management Considerations Webinar
Lakes States Fire Science Consortium will join the North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange and Drs. Luke Dodd and Mike Lacki for the webinar, Fire and the Northern Long-Eared Bat: Vulnerability and Management Considerations. The webinar will include basic ba ...
Have you ever thought about completing a veterinary technology degree in addition to your animal science one? If so, the joint veterinary technology program between OSU and CSCC might be for you. All those interested should plan to attend the informatio ...
Have you heard about the Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP), but you’re not sure how it works or how it will benefit you next year? Join us at the STEP Expo and learn how students just like you have had truly transformational experien ...
Honors Study Program- NRM
Student ID * 8 or 9 digits. Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Statement of Intent * Briefly describe your interest in pursuing an Honors Program through the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Please include your career and research inte ...