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  1. Why Rural Crime Counts

    The Glenn Colloquium Series at The John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University presents "Why Rural Crime Counts"  by Joseph F. Donnermeyer, Professor Emeritus, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources. It will be hel ...

  2. News Alley

    Starting in 2016, please visit the STRIVE lab website for updates. Welcome to David Manning, who recently joined the Stream and River Ecology (STRIVE) Lab as a postdoctoral research associate. Congratulations to Danielle Vent, who successfully defended he ...

  3. Student Workshop with Barbara Kopple

    The Center for Folklore Studies and The Appalachian Project Ohio are hosting Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker,  Barbara Kopple, who is conducting a workshop on documentary filmaking. RSVP to Afsane at if you would like t ...

  4. Award-winning Documentary 'Harlan County USA' Screening

    The Center for Folklore Studies and The Appalachian Project Ohio are hosting Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker, Barbara Kopple, and showing a screening of her award-winning documentary Harlan County USA. A workshop that students can attend on ma ...

  5. Why We Don’t Believe Science: A perspective from decision psychology

    The Global Change, Local Impact Webinar welcomes Dr. Ellen Peters, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Decision Sciences Collaborative at Ohio State. Dr. Peters will discuss "Why We Don’t Believe Science: A perspective from decision psycholog ...

  6. FIC Food Fight Happy Hour

    The Food Innovation Center is hosting a Food Fight happy hour for students on Wednesday, January 27th at 5PM at Woody's Tavern in the Ohio Union. Students can find out more about the product development competition, connect with collaborators, and le ...

  7. Research on role of soil amendments highlighted by Soil Science Society of America

    The Soil Science Society of America features an article on Ohio State University research led by School of Environment and Natural Resources Professor Nick Basta in collaboration with Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) on the beneficia ...

  8. Select Hybrids with Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight: How does it work?

    Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum, continues to increase in prevalence and severity in Ohio and across the corn belt. In 2015, it showed up much earlier than usual in several fields. Weather conditions and current ...

  9. Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi are essential for Ohio’s poorly drained soils

    Much of Ohio’s soybean production ground is on soils with poor to fair drainage, high clay content, and reduced tillage systems.  Any one of these factors alone or in combination contributes to the environmental conditions that favor infection of seeds an ...

  10. Adams County Travel Amish Bird Symposium

    Join the Adams County Travel & Visitors Bureau and the Adams County Amish Community for a daylong celebration of birds at the 13th Annual Adams County Amish Bird Symposium that features speakers, vendors, live raptors from Raptor Incorporated, and oth ...
