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Express Services Offered for Students This Week
The School of Environment and Natural Resources’ Academic Team in 210 Kottman Hall resumes its' normal Express Services' schedule (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) on Fridays. Express Services are offered in order to assist as many students as possible. We se ...
Endangered Species Act Workshop
The Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University; Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlfe; Ohio State University Extension, Woodland Stewards Program invite you to a workshop on the ...
Butler County Local Foods
The growing impact of local foods is something we hear about every week. The local food revolution, locavore, farm to table, and know your farmer know your food, are just some of the phrases used to describe a conscious desire on the part of people to ge ...
SMV Celebrates 50 Years
The Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblem celebrates its 50th Anniversary! This emblem, recognized for safety around the U.S., was developed in the Agricultural Engineering Department at The Ohio State University in the early 60's. In 1963 this emblem wa ...
EPN June Breakfast Club
The June EPN Breakfast presents A Summer Delight-- EPN Breakfast at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park with Larry Peck, Deputy Director, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks. Mac Albin, renowned naturalist, will share Darby Creek natural and social histo ...
What the Muck? Managing Ohio's Freshwater Assets
From Lake Erie, across fields of corn and soybeans and in streams, rivers and inland lakes freshwater is lifeblood for people, crops, and animals. But only people have the power to impact waters use, maintain or restore its quality and ultimately control ...
Diagnostic Workshop for Master Gardener Volunteers
Diagnostic Workshop Flyer ...
What does your family emergency plan look like?
With the end of the school year just around the corner that means family members should begin to think about a family emergency plan for a severe weather strike. Parents, here are some questions to get you to think about that family emergency plan. If t ...
The Plant Protective Box
Have you ever wished that you could totally protect your plants from being eaten by anything but you and do so without using sprays, pesticides and repellants! I have had that wish and a desire to make that wish come true. How I got started: Over forty y ...
Strawberry Field Night
Strawberry Field Night Flyer ...